
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Spencer park camp 2020

Spencer park camp 2020 

Last week we biked/walked to Spencer park. 
One of my favourite things that I did at camp would be biking there and biking back.And yes I fell a few times(I fell twice),but it do'sent mean I did'nt enjoy it.And the funny thing I fell in the same place I fell last time it was a sand hill it was pretty steep.I got a big bruise on my shoulder and I scraped my knees.There was one really steep hill in the forest,and unfortunately Bluebell and Alexa crashed into each other on that hill was not pretty(this was on the ride back).In the end of the ride back to school,me Bluebell,Alexa and Sophie B ended up driving there in Sharon's car with Ali. On the way to camp it was pretty strait forward besides the time I fell(obviously) we stop'ed once for about 5 min's,I had to stop  when I fell though.
                                                Over all camp was Awesome!!


  1. It sure was fun, and i hope you grazes will get better soon! (But they probably are better now because its way later on now for when we did camp ) We made hamburgers for our dinner, and guess what it tasted like maccas! It was super fun and i really liked the blob jumping thingy. CyA!

  2. Hey Zara, I was riding with you on the way back and I was very impressed with how how you coped with your numerous injuries! I'm glad you enjoyed camp, I did too, especially playing predator at night, even though I ran into a bush I didn't see.


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